Author: Ernest Hemmingway
Genre: Historic, Romance
Published in 1926
Rating: ★★★★☆ – 4.5/5
“Don’t you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you’re not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you’ve lived nearly half the time you have to live already?”
– The Sun Also Rises
In “The Sun Also Rises” Ernest Hemingway takes us to post-World War I Paris, where journalist Jake Barnes navigates the vibrant city alongside his friend Robert Cohn. At the center of Jake’s world is Lady Brett Ashley, a captivating woman pursued by many, including Jake himself. The story develops as Jake, Robert, Brett, and her fiance, embark on a journey to Spain, where fishing in Burguete and witnessing bullfights in Pamplona become central experiences.
– Jake Barnes –
His unlucky streak started when he was hit with a terrible war accident. Though not directly referenced in the book it is highly suggested this is the reason Brett and him are not together. He lives his best life, drinking and sulking around Paris. Suffering an existential crisis? Take a page out of Barnes’s book and drink yourself through Paris, Paloma, and Burguete. Perhaps you’ll end up with the person of your dreams— who knows?
– Brett Ashley –
Oh boy. Brett is hard to explain as a character but in the shortest of forms she’s married to an abusive lord (who’s barely ever mentioned) and awaiting a divorce— she’s newly engaged to Mike Campell, she’s having affairs with every man in sight, and Jake is her one true love that she can never attain. And just for the fun of it, she goes to Spain with her fiance, a one-night-stand pal, and Jake. Just another day in the wonderful life of Brett Ashley.
– Robert Cohn –
Robert always makes the wrong move at the wrong time, but you have to kind of feel bad for the poor guy. The whole book he’s being pushed to the side while he’s under the impression Brett will finally acknowledge him as something other than a one-night stand. (Spoiler: she doesn’t)
– Mike Campell –
Mike suffers from an enlarged ego and a very pretty, un-loyal girl at his side. He’s the man always up for a good time but ends up ruining the fun for everyone else. Everyone warns him about drinking too much and he won’t believe them even after his explosive mood swings directed towards the poor scapegoat; Robert. At least he has a commitment to the things he loves most in life: his relationship with Brett, his drinking habits, and causing chaos wherever he goes.
– My Honest Review –
While The Sun Also Rises pacing falters at times, after getting midway through the novella I was unable to put it down. I read the first book a while back, then picked it up on a flight, finishing the second and third parts before landing.
The dialogue is sharp and descriptionless, making you re-track your steps in order to figure out who actually talked.
Sobriety was never, and alcohol was a must for these characters. They spent most of their time at bars, drinking away, then complaining about ‘being too tight.’ I honestly think if I were to count how many times that phrase was used it would be over twenty. Just as the book becomes long and tiresome, a new dose of drama comes in and whiskers you right back to Europe.
I would give a high rating of 4.5/20. This book was a wonderful opening to the Hemmingway world, which I will be returning to soon!
Happy reading!